Thursday, June 14, 2007

Any SEOs out there?

Are there any specifically SEO oriented web designers in Bermuda? I have seen a proliferation of great sites about Bermuda recently. i see has been doing a lot of search marketing. I wonder if others are going this route. Actually getting better listings for the business that you are listing than their own website. Of course, it is all just a matter of who optimises their pages better.


Ray said...

My site has kind of been doing this for a few years. We never really optimized to get listed higher than the businesses we were listing. Now that we have seen more and more sites actually doing this, we have started doing it in some of our sites. We got some great listings in google for Bermuda vitamins & Bermuda Advertising after turning a new leaf and optimizing for the sites we are listing. For example. Optimizing a page to rank higher in the SEs than the actual website we're listing.

Ray said...

We also found it very convenient to optimzie our Bermuda Clasifieds website. It is number 1 at google for all the classified ads Bermuda search terms.

Ray said...

Sorry, I meant Bermuda Classifieds - Sorry about that!

Ray said...

Ouch - One more time (too many black and cokes tonight, i guess.) Bermuda Classifieds